Last Call to Join the 1.0 Fundraiser

Built upon proven open source technology, Bridgetown is a fast, scalable, modular, and thoroughly forward-looking framework for building websites and frontend applications.
Craft Clever Content. Content in Bridgetown is simply text files and assets in your repository. Write flexible Markdown and use sophisticated Liquid tags to enhance your presentation and functionality. Using a headless CMS or third-party APIs? That works too!
Design with Components. Encapsulate common building-blocks of your design which can be reused across multiple pages and contexts or displayed in an always up-to-date style guide. Use components provided by themes and plugins or write your own.
Customize with Plugins. Develop your own plugins in the delightful Ruby programming language to enable totally custom projects, or install community gems to supercharge your site build. Sprinkle Ruby Front Matter on templates to bring them to life.
Add a Modern Frontend. Bridgetown comes with support for Webpack out-of-the-box, which means you can add JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, Stimulus as well as CSS frameworks like Bulma or Tailwind to get a leg up fast.
Deploy Anywhere. Use an automated hosting service like Render to deploy your site upon every update, or just sync the output
folder to a standard web server and you’re done. It’s without a doubt the most flexible publishing system available.