Configuration Options
The tables below list the available settings for Bridgetown, and the various options
(specified in the configuration file) and flags
(specified on the command-line) that control them.
Global Configuration
Setting |
Site Source Change the directory where Bridgetown will read files Default: |
Site Destination Change the directory where Bridgetown will write files Default: |
Template Engine Change the template engine Bridgetown uses by default to process content files. Default: |
Content Engine Change the content engine Bridgetown uses for its data pipeline. The resource-based engine will become standard for v1.0. Default: |
Permalink Change the default permalink style or template used by pages & blog posts. Documentation here—and if you're using the Resource-based content engine, read this additional information. |
Slugify Mode Determine the method of transforming characters when slugs are generated. Info on available options here. Default: |
Disable Disk Cache
Disable caching of content to disk in order to skip creating a
Exclude Exclude directories and/or files from the conversion. These exclusions are relative to the site's source directory and cannot be outside the source directory. |
Force inclusion of directories and/or files in the conversion.
Keep files
When clobbering the site destination, keep the selected files.
Useful for files that are not generated by bridgetown; e.g. files or
assets that are generated by your build tool.
The paths are relative to the |
Time Zone
Set the time zone for site generation. This sets the |
Set the encoding of files by name (only available for Ruby
1.9 or later).
The default value is |
Defaults Set defaults for front matter variables. |
Build Command Options
Setting | |
Regeneration Enable auto-regeneration of the site when files are modified. |
Configuration Specify config files instead of using |
Environment Use a specific environment value in the build. |
Future Publish posts or collection documents with a future date. |
Unpublished Render posts that were marked as unpublished. |
Ruby Front Matter Process Ruby front matter (default true) |
LSI Produce an index for related posts. Requires the classifier-reborn plugin. |
Limit Posts Limit the number of posts to parse and publish. |
Force polling Force watch to use polling. |
Verbose output Print verbose output. |
Silence Output Silence the normal output from Bridgetown during a build |
Liquid profiler Generate a Liquid rendering profile to help you identify performance bottlenecks. |
Strict Front Matter Cause a build to fail if there is a YAML syntax error in a page's front matter. |
Base Path Serve the website from the given base path. |
Serve Command Options
In addition to the options below, the serve
sub-command can accept any of the options
for the build
sub-command, which are then applied to the site build which occurs right
before your site is served.
Setting | |
Local Server Port Listen on the given port. |
Local Server Hostname Listen at the given hostname. |
Live Reload Reload a page automatically on the browser when its content is edited. |
Detach Detach the server from the terminal. |
Skips the initial site build Skips the initial site build which occurs before the server is started. |
X.509 (SSL) Private Key SSL Private Key, stored or symlinked in the site source. |
X.509 (SSL) Certificate SSL Public certificate, stored or symlinked in the site source. |
Additional Configuration File Settings
Bridgetown runs with the following configuration options by default. Alternative
settings for these options can be explicitly specified in the bridgetown.config.yml
configuration file.
Note that if you change plugins_dir
, the option is relative to the current working directory, not the content source folder (aka src
). Other *_dir
options are relative to the source folder.
# Where things are
plugins_dir : plugins
collections_dir : .
layouts_dir : _layouts
data_dir : _data
includes_dir : _includes
output : true
# Handling Reading
include : [".htaccess", "_redirects", ".well-known"],
keep_files : [".git", ".svn", "_bridgetown"]
encoding : "utf-8"
markdown_ext : "markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md"
strict_front_matter : false
# Filtering Content
limit_posts : 0
future : false
unpublished : false
# Conversion
markdown : kramdown
highlighter : rouge
lsi : false
excerpt_separator : "\n\n"
# Serving
detach : false
port : 4000
host :
base_path : "/"
show_dir_listing : false
# System
timezone : null # e.g. America/Los_Angeles
quiet : false
verbose : false
defaults : []
error_mode : warn
strict_filters : false
strict_variables : false
# Markdown Processor
auto_ids : true
entity_output : as_char
toc_levels : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
smart_quotes : lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
input : GFM
hard_wrap : false
guess_lang : true
footnote_nr : 1
show_warnings : false