Automated Testing

Running an automated test suite after your Bridgetown site has been built is a great way to ensure important content is available and formatted as you expect, and that some recent change hasn’t broken anything critical within your build process.

Bridgetown doesn’t come with an opinionated testing setup, so you’re welcome to choose from a variety of approaches—and perhaps even use several at once!

Table of Contents

Use Ruby and Minitest to Test HTML Directly

You can run a bundled configuration on your site to add a post_write hook plugin which kicks off a Minitest-based test suite. The plugin will automatically detect if the Bridgetown environment isn’t development (i.e. it’s test or production) and if the optional set of test gems (Minitest, Nokogiri, etc.) are available. If so, the tests will run after the site has been built.

One of the benefits of this testing approach is it’s very fast, due to the fact that all the static HTML has been built and is in memory when the test suite runs.

To install, run the following command:

bundle exec bridgetown configure minitesting

This will set up the plugin, test gems, and an example test suite in the test folder.

The tests you write will be simple DOM selection assertions that operate on the output HTML that’s in memory after the site has been rendered, so they run extremely fast. You use the native Ruby APIs provided by Bridgetown to find pages to test, and use assertions you may be familiar with from the Ruby on Rails framework (such as assert_select and assert_dom_equal). Here’s an example of such a test:

require_relative "./helper"

class TestBlog < Minitest::Test
  context "blog page" do
    setup do
      page = site.pages.find { |doc| doc.url == "/blog/index.html" }
      document_root page

    should "show authors" do
      assert_select ".box .author img" do |imgs|
        assert_dom_equal imgs.last.to_html,
                         '<img src="/images/khristi-jamil-avatar.jpg" alt="Khristi Jamil" class="avatar">'

You can add additional contexts and “should” blocks to a test file, and you can create as many test files as you want to handle various parts of the site.

As part of the automation setup mentioned above, you should now have new scripts in package.json: test and deploy:test.

  • test: Builds the site using the test environment (requires you first to run bundle install --with test on your machine).
  • deploy:test: Installs the test gems and then runs deploy. Note this does not specify a particular environment—it’s up to you to set that to production or otherwise as part of your deployment context.

Headless Browser Testing with Cypress

There are a couple of ways to add Cypress to your testing setup. The first option is to use an automation like bridgetown-automation-cypress. The other option is to add it manually.

To install via an automation, run:

bundle exec bridgetown apply

then skip down to the Adding Tests section.

Manual Installation

To add Cypress manually, first you must install Cypress as well as a package called start-server-and-test.

To do so, run the following command in the terminal:

yarn add -D cypress start-server-and-test

Setting a baseUrl

An important part of cypress is to set a baseUrl inside of your cypress.json file.

Setting a baseUrl prepends the value anytime you type cy.visit(). So if you were to type cy.visit("/") it would be equivalent to cy.visit("http://localhost:4000/").

We will set our baseUrl to 4001 because this is technically where a Bridgetown app is running. A tool called browser-sync proxies port 4001 to port 4000 for us.

  "__filename": "cypress.json",
  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:4000"

Adding Scripts

Let’s look at the base commands of Cypress and how we can access them by adding scripts to our package.json file.

The first command we will look at is cypress open.

cypress open opens up a GUI to allow you to select which test(s) you would like to run. To run it in your project, type the following into your terminal:

yarn start-server-and-test 'yarn start' http-get://localhost:4001 'yarn cy:open'

The other command you can run is cypress run.

cypress run runs a headless browser which outputs testing progress to the terminal. It is meant for things like CI environments that cannot open up a headed browser. To run this command simply type the following in your project:

yarn start-server-and-test 'yarn start' http-get://localhost:4001 'yarn cy:open'

package.json scripts

To save time, let’s add some useful scripts to our package.json file.

  "__filename": "package.json",
  "scripts": {
    "cy:open": "cypress open",
    "cy:test": "start-server-and-test 'yarn start' http-get://localhost:4001 'yarn cy:open'",
    "cy:run": "cypress run",
    "cy:test:ci": "start-server-and-test 'yarn start' http-get://localhost:4001 'yarn cy:run'"

Now to test our site we simply have to do:

yarn cy:open

And our site will now be tested with Cypress.

So go ahead and run that command and this will prepopulate the cypress/ directory where you will add future tests.

Adding Tests

Now that we’ve finished setting up lets look at the cypress/ directory. Lets start by removing the cypress/integration/examples/ directory.

rm -rf cypress/integration/examples

So now let’s create our first test. Create a file called navbar.spec.js inside of the cypress/integrations directory.

Inside of the file let’s add some assertions. (This is assuming you are using a new Bridgetown project.)

// cypress/integrations/navbar.spec.js

describe("Testing that links exist in the navbar", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  it("navbar links appear on all pages", () => {
    const baseUrl = Cypress.config("baseUrl");

    cy.url().should("eq", baseUrl + "/");

    cy.url().should("eq", baseUrl + "/posts/");

    cy.url().should("eq", baseUrl + "/about/");

Now when we run all tests, they all should pass. And now we have a starting point for creating more Cypress tests.

Reference Repository for Cypress Testing

Next: Customize Your Build