Extend with Plugins

Plugins allow you to extend Bridgetown’s behavior to fit your needs. You can write plugins yourself directly in your website codebase, or install gem-based plugins and themes for a limitless source of new features and capabilities.

Be sure to check out our growing list of official and third-party plugins for ways to jazz up your website.

Whenever you need more information about the plugins installed on your site and what they’re doing, you can use the bridgetown plugins list command. You can also copy content out of gem-based plugins with the bridgetown plugins cd command. Read the command reference for further details.

Table of Contents


There are three methods of adding plugins to your site build.

  1. In your site’s root folder (aka where your config file lives), make a plugins folder. Write your custom plugins and save them here. Any file ending in .rb inside this folder will be loaded automatically before Bridgetown generates your site.

  2. Add gem-based plugins to the bridgetown_plugins Bundler group in your Gemfile by running a command such as:
    bundle add bridgetown-feed -g bridgetown_plugins
  3. Running an automation which will install one or more plugins along with other set up and configuration:
    bundle exec bridgetown apply https://github.com/bridgetownrb/bridgetown-cloudinary

Introduction to the Builder API

New in Bridgetown 0.14 is the Builder API (also sometimes referred to as the Unified Plugins API). This is a brand-new way of writing plugins for both custom plugins as well as gem-based plugins. Most previous techniques of writing plugins (registering Liquid tags and filters, generators, etc.) have been rebranded as the Legacy API. This API isn’t going away any time soon as it provides the underlying functionality for the Builder API. However, we recommend all new plugin development center around the Builder API going forward.

Local Custom Plugins

For local plugins, simply create a new SiteBuilder class in your plugins folder:

# plugins/site_builder.rb
class SiteBuilder < Bridgetown::Builder

Then in plugins/builders, you can create one or more subclasses of SiteBuilder and write your plugin code within the build method which is called automatically by Bridgetown early on in the build process (specifically during the pre_read event before content has been loaded from the file system).

# plugins/builders/add_some_tags.rb
class AddSomeTags < SiteBuilder
  def build
    liquid_tag "cool_stuff", :cool_tag

  def cool_tag(attributes, tag)
    "This is so cool!"

Builders provide a couple of instance methods you can use to reference important data during the build process: site and config.

So for example you could add data with a generator:

class AddNewData < SiteBuilder
  def build
    generator do
      site.data[:new_data] = {new: "New stuff"}

And then reference that data in any Liquid template:

{{ site.data.new_data.new }}

  output: New stuff

Default Configurations

The config instance method is available to access the Bridgetown site configuration object, and along with that you can optionally define a default configuration that will be included in the config object—and can be overridden by config settings directly in bridgetown.config.yml. For example:

class BuilderWithConfiguration < SiteBuilder
    custom_config: {
      my_setting: 123

  def build
    p config[:my_setting] # 123

    # now add this to bridgetown.config.yml:
    # custom_config:
    #   my_setting: "one two three"

    p config[:my_setting] # "one two three"

Gem-based Plugins

For a gem-based plugin, all you have to do is subclass directly from Bridgetown::Builder and then use the register class method to register the builder with Bridgetown when the gem loads. Example:

module Bridgetown
  module MyNiftyPlugin
    class Builder < Bridgetown::Builder
        my_nifty_plugin: {
          this_goes_to_11: true

      def build
        this_goes_to = config[:my_nifty_plugin][:this_goes_to_11]
        # do other groovy things


Read further instructions below on how to create and publish a gem.

Internal Ruby API

When writing a plugin for Bridgetown, you may sometimes be interacting with the internal Ruby API. Objects like Bridgetown::Site, Bridgetown::Document, Bridgetown::Page, etc. Other times you may be interacting with Liquid Drops, which are “safe” representations of the internal Ruby API for use in Liquid templates.

Documentation on the internal Ruby API for Bridgetown is forthcoming, but meanwhile, the simplest way to debug the code you write is to run bridgetown console and interact with the API there. Then you can copy working code into your plugin.

Plugin Categories

There are several categories of functionality you can add to your Bridgetown plugin:


Create custom Liquid tags or “shortcodes” which you can add to your content or design templates.


Create custom Liquid filters to help transform data and content.


For Tilt-based templates such as ERB, Slim, etc., you can provide custom helpers which can be called from your templates.

HTTP Requests and the Document Builder

Easily pull data in from external APIs, and use a special DSL (Domain-Specific Language) to build documents out of that data.


Hooks provide fine-grained control to trigger custom functionality at various points in the build process.


Generators allow you to automate the creating or updating of content in your site using Bridgetown’s internal Ruby API.


Commands extend the bridgetown executable using the Thor CLI toolkit.


Converters change a markup language from one format to another.

Priority Flag

You can configure a Legacy API plugin (mainly generators and converters) with a specific priority flag. This flag determines what order the plugin is loaded in.

Valid values are: :lowest, :low, :normal, :high, and :highest. Highest priority matches are applied first, lowest priority are applied last.

Here is how you’d specify this flag:

module MySite
  class UpcaseConverter < Converter
    priority :low

Creating a Gem

The bridgetown plugins new NAME command will create an entire gem scaffold for you to customize and publish to the RubyGems.org and NPM registries. This is a great way to provide themes, builders, and other sorts of add-on functionality to Bridgetown websites. You’ll want to make sure you update the gemspec, package.json, README.md, and CHANGELOG.md files as you work on your plugin to ensure all the necessary metadata and user documentation is present and accounted for.

Make sure you follow these instructions to integrate your plugin’s frontend code with the users’ Webpack setup. Also read up on Source Manifests if you have layouts, components, pages, static files, and other content you would like your gem to provide.

You can also provide an automation via your gem’s GitHub repository by adding bridgetown.automation.rb to the root of your repo. This is a great way to provide advanced and interactive setup for your plugin. More information on automations here.

When you’re ready, publish your plugin to the RubyGems.org and NPM registries. There are instructions on how to do so in the sample README that is present in your new plugin folder under the heading Releasing. Of course you will also need to make sure you’ve uploaded your plugin to GitHub so it can be included in our Plugin Directory and discovered by Bridgetown site owners far and wide. Plus it’s a great way to solicit feedback and improvements in the form of open source code collaboration and discussion.

As always, if you have any questions or need support in creating your gem, check out our community resources.

Cache API

Bridgetown includes a Caching API which is used both internally as well as exposed for plugins. It can be used to cache the output of deterministic functions to speed up site generation.

Next: Automations