Cache API

Bridgetown includes a Caching API which is used both internally as well as exposed for plugins. It can be used to cache the output of deterministic functions to speed up site generation. This cache will be persistent across builds, but cleared when Bridgetown detects any changes to bridgetown.config.yml.

Usage → new_cache

If there has already been a Cache created with name, this will return a reference to that existing Cache. Otherwise, create a new Cache called name.

If this Cache will be used by a Gem-packaged plugin, name should either be the name of the Gem, or prefixed with the name of the Gem followed by :: (if a plugin expects to use multiple Caches). If this Cache will be used internally by Bridgetown, name should be the name of the class that is using the Cache (ie: "Bridgetown::Converters::Markdown").

Cached objects are shared between all Caches created with the same name, but are not shared between Caches with different names. There can be an object stored with key 1 in"a") and an object stored with key 1 in"b") and these will not point to the same cached object. This way, you do not need to ensure that keys are globally unique.

getset(key) {block}

This is the most common way to utilize the Cache.

block is a bit of code that takes a lot of time to compute, but always generates the same output given a particular input (like converting Markdown to HTML). key is a String (or an object with to_s) that uniquely identifies the input to the function.

If key already exists in the Cache, it will be returned and block will never be executed. If key does not exist in the Cache, block will be executed and the result will be added to the Cache and returned.

def cache
  @@cache ||="ConvertMarkdown")

def convert_markdown_to_html(markdown)
  cache.getset(markdown) do

In the above example, expensive_conversion_method will only be called once for any given markdown input. If convert_markdown_to_html is called a second time with the same input, the cached output will be returned.

Because posts will frequently remain unchanged from one build to the next, this is an effective way to avoid performing the same computations each time the site is built.


This will clear all cached objects from a particular Cache. The Cache will be empty, both in memory and on disk.

The following methods should probably only be used in special circumstances:

cache[key] → value

Fetches key from Cache and returns its value. Raises if key does not exist in Cache.

cache[key] = value

Adds value to Cache under key. Returns nothing.

key?(key) → true or false

Returns true if key already exists in Cache. False otherwise.


Removes key from Cache. Returns nothing.

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