Deploying Your Site

Bridgetown generates your site and saves it to the output directory by default. You can transfer the contents of this directory to almost any hosting provider to make your site go live.

Bridgetown’s included site template automatically provides a Yarn script you can run to build both your Webpack bundle and your website. Simply run

yarn deploy

as part of your deployment process, which will kick off both the webpack and the bridgetown build commands in that order.

If you wish to utilize additional logic within your site templates or plugins to determine what’s a “development” build vs. “production” build, set the BRIDGETOWN_ENV environment variable to production on the machine or service that’s building the site for deployment. Read more about environments here.

Automatic Deployment

We recommend setting up an automatic deployment solution at the earliest opportunity. This way every time you push a commit up to your Git repository on a service such as GitHub, your site is automatically rebuilt and deployed quickly.

Some popular services include:


Render provides the easiest cloud for all your static sites, APIs, databases, and containers. Render is a unified platform which can build and run apps and websites with free SSL, a global CDN, private networks, and auto deploys from Git. Use Render’s simple admin dashboard or write an “infrastructure as code” YAML file to configure all your services at once. The choice is yours.


Vercel combines a great developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance. Changes instantly go live on their global edge network along with SSL encryption and cache invalidation. Vercel is the platform for developers and designers…and those who aspire to become one.


Netlify is a web developer platform which focuses on productivity and global scale without requiring costly infrastructure. Get set up with continuous deployment, lead gen forms, one click HTTPS, and so much more.

Manual Deployment

For a simple method of deployment, you can simply transfer the contents of your output folder to any web server. You can use something like scp to securely copy the folder, or you can use a more advanced tool:


Rsync is similar to scp except it can be faster as it will only send changed parts of files as opposed to the entire file. You can learn more about using rsync in the Digital Ocean tutorial.

GitLab Pages

GitLab pages can host static websites. Create a repository on GitLab, which we suppose is at Add the following .gitlab-ci.yml file to your project, which we shall suppose is called mysite following the documentation setup instructions. The .gitlab-ci.yml file should be in the mysite directory created using bridgetown new mysite and should contain

image: ruby:2.6

  - vendor

  - apt-get update -yqqq
  - curl -sL | bash -
  - curl -sS | apt-key add -
  - echo "deb stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  - apt update
  - apt-get install -y nodejs yarn
  - export GEM_HOME=$PWD/gems
  - export PATH=$PWD/gems/bin:$PATH
  - gem install bundler
  - gem install bridgetown -N
  - bundle install
  - yarn install
  - yarn webpack --mode production
  - bundle exec bridgetown build --base_path mysite  --url
  - bundle exec bridgetown clean
    - master

  - apt-get update -yqqq
  - curl -sL | bash -
  - curl -sS | apt-key add -
  - echo "deb stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  - apt update
  - apt-get install -y nodejs yarn
  - export GEM_HOME=$PWD/gems
  - export PATH=$PWD/gems/bin:$PATH
  - gem install bundler
  - gem install bridgetown -N
  - bundle install
  - yarn install
  - yarn webpack --mode production
  - bundle exec bridgetown build --base_path mysite --url
  - mv output public
    - public
  - master

Once this fie has been created, add it and the other files and folders to the repository, and then push them to GitLab:

git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -am "initial commit"
git push -u origin master

After the build the site should be live at

GitHub Pages

Much like with GitLab, you can also deploy static sites to GitHub Pages. You can make use of GitHub Actions to automate building and deploying your site to GitHub Pages. For an out-of-the-box solution, check out the bridgetown-gh-pages-action. One thing to note is that this action’s default deployment branch is the gh-pages branch, so if you’re using the default, you’ll need to make sure your repo’s GitHub Pages Settings at<your-account>/<your-site>/settings/pages have Source set to the gh-pages branch.


Dokku is great if you either want Heroku-style deployments on a budget or you want more control over your server stack. Deploying to Dokku is quite easy, but as always, there are a few settings required to make everything run smoothly.

This guide assumes you’ve got a fully-functioning Dokku server up and running and created an app we’ll conveniently call bridgetown.

First, add the following environment variables to your app on the server:

$ dokku config:set bridgetown BRIDGETOWN_ENV=production NGINX_ROOT=output

Next, create a file called .buildpacks at the root of your local project with the following contents to tell Dokku about the app’s requirements:

Also, create an empty file called .static in the same location. This file will tell dokku to run the app as a static website using Nginx.

Finally, add the following line to the scripts section in your package.json:

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    // ...
    "heroku-postbuild": "yarn deploy",
    // ...
  // ...

The nodejs buildpack will automatically run yarn heroku-postbuild at the right time during the deployment process, so there is nothing left to do. You can now safely deploy your application:

$ git push dokku

… and watch your site being built on the server.

Next: Automated Testing