Bridgetown plugins can provide commands for the bridgetown
Commands are built using the Thor CLI toolkit, which powers many popular Ruby libraries and frameworks including Rails, Bundler, and Middleman.
Simply subclass Thor
in your plugin and use a registration block to notify
Bridgetown how to include your command. Commands are written in a command [subcommand]
format, so if your base command is river
, your logic will be contained
within one or more subcommands:
bridgetown river # outputs a help message about the available subcommands
bridgetown river bank
bridgetown river flows
You can also use the ConfigurationOverridable
concern to load the
configuration and optionally override keys with
command line options passed to your command.
Here’s an example of how to write a Thor
require_all "bridgetown-core/commands/concerns"
module MyPlugin
module Commands
class River < Thor
include Bridgetown::Commands::ConfigurationOverridable
Bridgetown::Commands::Registrations.register do
desc "river <command>", "Take me to the river"
subcommand "river", River
desc "bank", "Walk along the river bank"
def bank
puts "Out for a stroll..."
desc "flow", "Old man river, he just keeps on rolling along"
option :destination, desc: "Override configuration file destination"
def flow
config = configuration_with_overrides(options)
destination = config["destination"]
puts "Flowing to your destination: #{destination}"
In addition, if you want full access to automations from within your command, you can include the Thor and custom Bridgetown actions:
include Thor::Actions
include Bridgetown::Commands::Actions
Then your command can use Thor actions:
say_status :river, "Go with the flow! :)"