Source Manifests

A gem-based plugin can optionally provide a Source Manifest which instructs Bridgetown how to load new content such as layouts, pages, static files, and Liquid components from folders in the gem.

In the main Ruby code of your gem plugin (typically the root file of the lib folder), underneath your require statements, all you need to do is register a new source manifest with Bridgetown’s plugin manager.

  origin: SamplePlugin,
  components: File.expand_path("../components", __dir__),
  content: File.expand_path("../content", __dir__),
  layouts: File.expand_path("../layouts", __dir__)

The origin keyword argument is required (it should be the root module of your gem), but all others are optional.

What this does is allow you to create top-level folders in your gem, for example ./layouts, and Bridgetown will load content from whichever folders you specify in your manifest. So if you had the file layouts/fancy.html, a site could simply reference that layout with layout: fancy front matter.

Namespacing Your Content

It’s considered a best practice to namespace your content whenever possible. In other words, within the one of those folders, create a subfolder with an identifier matching your plugin. In the SamplePlugin demo gem, you’ll notice that there’s content/sample_plugin, layouts/sample_plugin, etc., and files are placed within those subfolders.

Why do that? It’s so that the plugin name becomes part of the path used to reference the content from the parent website. Thus for layouts/sample_plugin/layout.html, the front matter would be layout: sample_plugin/layout. For a page like content/photo-gallery/portfolio.html, it would be accessible on the site via the URL /photo-gallery/portfolio. For a Liquid Component located at components/sample_plugin/widget.liquid, you’d render it via {% render "sample_plugin/widget" %}.

This is also useful in cases where the parent site needs to override some content or a layout or whatever in order to make customizations. All the developer would need to do is use the plugins command to access a folder in the gem and copy a namespaced subfolder over to the site. For example:

$ bridgetown plugins cd AwesomePlugin/Layouts
$ cp -r awesome_plugin $BRIDGETOWN_SITE/src/_layouts

The awesome_plugin folder would get copied over to the site’s _layouts source folder, still properly namespaced, and the site developer could make further changes from there.

Using Source Manifests to Create Themes

Source manifest functionality, along with the ability to publish an NPM module with frontend assets for Webpack, plus the power of automations to simply the setup process means that you can easily design and distribute themes for use by Bridgetown site owners.

Read more about themes here and how to create one yourself.

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